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baked cakes page

i like to use whipped cream and not buttercream

newest first, oldest last

↑ 2024. strawberry cake for christmas
(perhaps I need to diversify a bit)

↑ 2023. rustic cake for christmas

↑ 2022. cake using home-made jam (by my mother) from when we went strawberry picking

↑ 2021. earl grey tea cake

↑ 2020. halloween pancake

↑ 2020. lemon and poppy seed cake

↑ 2020. mango & coconut birthday cake

↑ 2020. cake proces pic 1

↑ 2020. cake proces pic 2

↑ 2020. colorful cake :D the sprinkles kind of went all blurry but I thought it was cool

↑ 2019. strawberry jam cake

↑ 2019. I made a blueberry cake for myself and was troubled with the method of storage

↑ 2019. matcha cake

↑ 2019. lotus biscuit cake

↑ 2018. el classico cake

↑ 2018. I thought it was pretty :D nevermind it not being centered on the plate

↑ 2018. one of my first cakes

↑ 2018. chocolate mousse & nutty pie crust tart.
guess what the mousse is made of!
no really, guess.
it was made with ...
avocado :D
and that might sound crazy, but it worked out really well! it was avocado + coco powder + maple syrup. there was no avocadoey taste at all