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3d printing

↑ attempt at frog on blender

↑ we print it out on matcha's 3d printer

↑ summoning complete

↑ base coat paint

↑ happi frog
was really happy with how he turned out. the paint leaves a cool texture aesthetic. I like chalky things

↑ also modeled a small squirrel (attempt #2 squirrel)

↑ his skrungled younger brother (attempt #1 squirrel)
this is what it looks like when you set the wrong printer pen settings.
i am sorry

↑ a poison ring! i modeled the face on sculpt mode in blender

↑ it can fit half a jellybean :D
I put in ridges on the side, and the face has bumps on the inside, so the lid clicks on and stays there
i'm a damn genius

(a frog flip bin)

↑ the pieces

↑ assembled frog bin

(i didn't set the dimensions too well so the flip bin was not functional, but we don't talk about that